The beautiful and arrogant woman in the next room begged the lonely boy to kneel down and apologize for disturbing her by making the TV too loud.
When he went to the next room, he was annoyed and the person who was supposed to serve him was the woman in the next room who had given him a handjob.
Now he had the opportunity to get revenge.
ဘေးခန်းကမောက်မာလှတဲ့မိန်းမလှလေးက တီဗွီကအသံဆူပြီးသူမကိုအနှောင့်အယှက်ပေးလို့ဆိုပြီးတစ်ယောက်တည်းနေတဲ့ကောင်လေးကိုဒူးထောက်တောင်းပန်ခိုင်းတယ်။